Presencia en los medios

abogadas lancelot en los medios

Once again this year, our Lawyer participates in the programme "Actualidad jurídica", commenting on the following news: How do the Temporary Employment Regulation Procedures (ERTES) affect holidays?


Our Lawyer participates in the programme "Actualidad jurídica", and comments on this news: The families of those killed by Covid-19 are suing the Spanish Council of Ministers for reckless homicide.


Our Lawyer once again participates in the programme "Agüita, agüita" on Lancelot Televisión, directed by Leandro Martín, where she explains the procedures for those dismissed in Spain during the state of alarm.

We celebrated "World Radio Day" with a new programme "Actualidad jurídica" by Mr. Leandro Martín. We talked about The European ruling on IRPH mortgages, which will be known on 3 March.

Our Lawyer, in the programme "Actualidad jurídica" of Leandro Martín, explains this news: A young man drowned to death after the Spanish emergency service 112 hung up the phone on him.


Lawyer Alicia Martín takes part in the programme "Actualidad jurídica", hosted by Leandro Martín, highlighting the following news: Ruling on multi-currency mortgage.


Our Lawyer comments on the latest legal news in the programme "Actualidad jurídica", by Leandro Martín: The father's timetable helps the mother to choose her working hours.

One more week, we participated in another programme of "Actualidad jurídica" of Lancelot Radio, directed by Leandro Martín. We talked about a possible case of Medical Negligence in the death of a baby.


We are once again collaborating in the programme "Actualidad jurídica", directed by Leandro Martín. In it, we talk about same-sex marriage, which has been legal in Spain for 14 years.


We participate again in the program "Actualidad juridica", directed by Leandro Martín. This time we are talking about the new Spanish Mortgage Law, which came into force a few days ago.