Presencia en los medios

abogadas lancelot en los medios

Diario La Ley, another renowned national specialised media, includes in its publication our Judgment on the IRPH, where we managed to obtain the nullity of the same after the pronouncement of the Spanish Supreme Court last October.

The Lancelot Magazine, in its printed edition (page 36), with a circulation of 12.000 copies on the island, publishes the "Interview of the day", an interview with our Lawyer Alicia Martín, on the occasion of her last judicial success on the nullity of the IRPH.

As every week, our Law Office participates in the "Actualidad jurídica" programme on Lancelot Radio. Today we talk about unfair dismissals due to COVID; compensation for operating on the wrong knee; among other news.


Our Lawyer Alicia Martín is interviewed by Jerónimo Romero, in Radio Agüimes, on the occasion of the important sentence obtained by this Law Firm obtaining the nullity of the IRPH of the mortgages, after the last pronouncement of the Spanish Supreme Court.


We are proud and surprised that no less than international media such as World Today News have decided to publish and highlight our successes in banking, especially the important judgement obtained by our firm in relation to the IRPH of mortgages against the Spanish Supreme Court ruling of October 2020. Many thanks to World Today News for the high appreciation of our work.

The Economist & Jurist Law Magazine publishes the important judgement obtained by ABOGADAS LANCELOT on "the nullity of the IRPH of mortgages" against the Spanish Supreme Court judgement of last October. We are proud to be the most read article on this website.

In the programme "La Entrevista del día", of Lancelot Televisión, with the journalist Andrés Martinón, our Lawyer is interviewed in relation to the important Judgment she has obtained about the IRPH of the mortgages. This news has had a wide diffusion, in islands, peninsula, and even published in World Today News. 

In the programme "Buenos días, Lanzarote", of Radio Lanzarote, with the journalist Techy Acosta, our Lawyer is interviewed, on the occasion of the important Judgment that our Law Firm has obtained on the IRPH of the mortgages against the last pronouncement of the Spanish Supreme Court


La Provincia, in its printed edition, the journalist Andrea Saavedra, has also been kind enough to publish the important judgement we have obtained on "the nullity of the IRPH of mortgages". Many media have highlighted this news, even at national level.

The regional newspaper Canarias 7 is another of the media that highlights the important judgment we have won on "the nullity of the IRPH of mortgages" against the decision of the Spanish Supreme Court. We are very proud of the great diffusion that our judicial success has had.